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Torre Numero Uno

Torre Numero Uno

by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Photography by Julien Gremaud

Torre Numero Uno, one of the vibrant coloured structures realised by Nathalie Du Pasquier in collaboration with Mutina, has been exhibited at Sculpture Garden Biennial in Geneva.

The event has been inaugurated on June 12th, with around twelve installations, and will last until September 30th. All the artworks will be revealed gradually during the summer, displayed within three beautiful public spaces: Parc des Eaux-Vives, Parc La Grange and Quai Gustave-Ador.

Reproduction of the structure located at the entrance of Mutina Headquarters in Fiorano, Torre Numero Uno consists of a synthesis of heterogeneous shapes, interacting with different sources of inspiration. The brick becomes a an economical and rational element at the same time, able to give birth to an infinite series of schemes, through a play of repetitions, rhythms and contrasts.

Torre Numero Uno
Torre Numero Uno

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