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Luigi Ghirri

Cartes et territoires
Luigi Ghirri
“Carte et territoires” is the title of the first Luigi Ghirri solo exhibition outside of Italy. As a photographer, his work has been a turning point for Italian photography in the ’70s and ‘80s, both because of the choice to shoot in colour and his ability in describing geography through a perceptive and sensitive analysis of landscapes.
Luigi Ghirri
The images published in this catalogue, realised in those years of transformation, give the feeling to immerse in a suspended time. In his work, Ghirri typically puts on hold the classic documentation in favor of a meditative research, as emotional for the photographer as it is for the observer.
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri
Luigi Ghirri

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