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Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier

With Mattonelle Margherita, Mutina has worked with colour, along with the artist Nathalie Du Pasquier, creating a complex project featuring a blend of different aesthetic and formal means of expression. The collection is characterised by a dual concept: on the one hand, a simple, minimalist style and, on the other, a courageous, creative approach. The elements are created in glazed porcelain stoneware, deepening into a careful research about the glazes, in order to identify the most reactive, so as to give a bright, vibrant finish to the satin-effect surface.


  • Interior Design's Best of Year 2021


Mattonelle Margherita respects the environment and it doesn’t contain V.O.C.
Line, Marghe Black, Star.
Line, Marghe Black, Star.
The Mattonelle Margherita universe is composed of 41 different patterns, designed by hand: 27 graphics and 6 plain elements in the 20.5x20.5 cm size, 6 patterns and 2 plain elements in the 10.1x20.5 cm size. The graphics can be combined with each other, allowing for the creation of endless different layouts, always novel and innovative, suitable for tiling entire surfaces on both floors and walls, or for creative interesting decorative details in any home, such as wood panelling effects, skirting and door frames. The combinations suggested – some with a simple, minimalist style, others of a more audacious nature – are ideal for those who like to experiment and play around with covering materials to obtain surprising results.
Marghe Green, Cones, Marghe Half White, Spring Pink.
Marghe Green, Cones, Marghe Half White, Spring Pink.
Wall: Marghe Half White, Marghe Blue, Double Blue. Floor: Marghe Blue.
Wall: Marghe Half White, Marghe Blue, Double Blue. Floor: Marghe Blue.

Nathalie Du Pasquier

French artist and designer Nathalie Du Pasquier joined the Mutina team in 2019 with the realisation of BRIC, site-specific installation exhibited on the occasion of MUT 4. She designed Brac, a series of three-dimensional elements, the Mattonelle Margherita and Paesaggi collections, as well as the Margherita Paints.
“Mattonelle Margherita is meant for everyone. Mattonelle Margherita requires creativity. Mattonelle Margherita is meant for the fearless ones.”
Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier
Wall: DIN White Glossy, DIN Black Glossy. Floor: Square Black. Star, Line, Marghe Black. Wall: Frame Terracotta, Marghe Half Black. Floor: Square Black, Double White, Marghe Black, Marghe Half Black. Wall: Black Green. Floor: Marghe Black, Marghe Green, Black Green, Flower Green. Wall: Marghe Light Blue, Scheme. Floor: Spring Terracotta. Marghe Blue, Square Blue, Double Blue, Rhombus White. Marghe Blue, Square Blue, Rhombus White, Double Blue. Cones, Marghe Green, Marghe Half White, Spring Pink. Marghe White, Double Red, Rhombus White, Rhombus Black, Double Blue, Marghe Blue. Marghe White, Double Red, Rhombus White, Rhombus Black, Double Blue, Marghe Blue. Wall: Marghe Terracotta, Marghe Blue, Stripes. Floor: Marghe Blue, Square Terracotta, Line. Wall: Marghe Half Black, Street, Flower Black, Rhombus Black. Floor: Square black. Margherita Paint: Azzurro Matt. Wall: Marghe Half Black, Street, Marghe Blue, Parallel Black. Floor: Square Blue. Accents Paint: Clay Matt. Wall: Marghe White, Frame Black, Marghe Half White, Marghe Half Black, Line. Floor: Petals, Line. Accents Paint: Sand Matt. Wall: Double Red, Marghe Black. Floor: Black Terracotta. Margherita Paint: Verde Matt. Wall: Marghe Half Black, Parallel Black, Wires. Floor: Marghe Half Black, Street, Marghe Green. Margherita Paint: Rosa Matt. Marghe Half Black, Parallel Black, Wires. Margherita Paint: Rosa Matt. Marghe White, Frame Black, Marghe Half White. Square Black. Marghe Black, Marghe Light Blue. Margherita Paint: Giallo Matt. Wall: Marghe Black, Marghe Light Blue. Floor: Marghe Half Black, Street, Spring Terracotta. Margherita Paint: Giallo Matt. Petals, Marghe Half Black. Accents Paint: Oxide Matt. Wall: Square Black, Point, Signs. Floor: Square Black, Street, Double White. Wall: Marghe Light Blue, Square Black, Point, Signs. Floor: Square Black, Wires, Double White. Wall: Marghe White. Floor: Rhombus White, Double Blue. Accents Paint: Terra Matt. Wall: Marghe White, Marghe Half Black. Floor: Rhombus White, Double Blue. Corners Square Blue Wall: Star, Stripes, Marghe Black. Floor: Double Red, Stripes, Marghe Light Blue. Wall: Marghe Light Blue, Stripes, Star, Kite White, Square Black, Marghe Black. Floor: Marghe Light Blue, Double Red, Stripes. Wall: Black Green, Square Green, Line, Marghe Half Black, Street, Flower Black, Rhombus Black. Floor: Square Black. Margherita Paint: Azzurro Matt. Line, Petals Spring Terracotta Line, Petals. Wall: Marghe Half Black, Line. Floor: Line, Petals. Accents Paint: Sand Matt. Wall: Rhombus White, Rhombus Black. Floor: Square Terracotta, Rhombus Black. Wall: Black Green, Stripes, Point, Frame Terracotta. Floor: Black Green. Wall: Marghe Light Blue, Black Green, Point, Stripes, Frame Terracotta. Floor: Black Green, Marghe Light Blue. Square Blue, Marghe Light Blue, Black Green. Wall: Marghe Half Black, Street, Flower Black, Rhombus Black. Floor: Square Black. Margherita Paint: Azzurro Matt. Black Terracotta Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier Mattonelle Margherita by Nathalie Du Pasquier

Sizes & Colors

Glazed porcelain stoneware
10 mm
Nominal Sizes
Margherita Patterns, Margherita Plain Colors 20,5·20,5 cm (8”·8”) Margherita Half 20,5·10,1 cm (8”·4”)

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