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Chymia Collection

designed by Laboratorio Avallone
Chymia Collection

The Collection

Chymia evokes the alchemical process of transformation of raw material. A metamorphosis that develops by the will to explore and overcome the limits of matter. The project come to life through the collaboration with Laboratorio Avallone, Milano-based studio led by Gennaro Avallone, whose’s research reaches into the applied arts, drawing on the arts of painting and sculpture to create unique and very special objects of contemporary furnishing.

Chymia consists of a brand new interpretation of black and white, developed with the aim of making a break with traditional styles, to restore strength and an original quality to ceramic as a material, with unexpected outcomes. The collection consists of a series that fluctuates between the discipline of graphic design and the expressive gestures of mark-making as well as between the two extremes of black and white, in which symbols and textures are combined to create patterns of light and shadow on the surface.


The design of Chymia allows to experiment original interior solutions, giving birth to an entire range of heterogeneous inspirations where modernity is the common thread.

Chymia + Accents

The graphics of Chymia, in shades of black and white, is teamed with the coloured paints and the warm, natural textures of the materials from the Accents collection, designed by OEO Studio. Two projects characterised by a complementary style and creative vision are thus combined in a novel way to create a series of appealing looks that are a perfect expression of the Mutina universe.
Floor: Chymia Mix 1 White. Walls: Chymia Bloom Black, Mix 1 White + Accents Moss matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak. Ceiling: Accents Coal matt paint.
Floor: Chymia Mix 1 White. Walls: Chymia Bloom Black, Mix 1 White + Accents Moss matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak. Ceiling: Accents Coal matt paint.
Walls: Chymia Mix 2 White + Accents Ivory matt paint (left wall) and Accents Terra matt paint (cube).
Walls: Chymia Mix 2 White + Accents Ivory matt paint (left wall) and Accents Terra matt paint (cube).
Floor: Chymia Drops Black, Drops White. Wall: Accents Clay matt paint. Ceiling: Accents Pearl matt paint. Chimney: Accents Coal matt paint.
Floor: Chymia Drops Black, Drops White. Wall: Accents Clay matt paint. Ceiling: Accents Pearl matt paint. Chimney: Accents Coal matt paint.
Floor: Chymia Drops Black, Drops White.
Floor: Chymia Drops Black, Drops White.
Floor: Chymia Mix 2 Black. Wall: Accents Mist matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.
Floor: Chymia Mix 2 Black. Wall: Accents Mist matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.

"There has been an elective affinity between Mutina and Laboratorio Avallone for over twenty years, a harmony that enables us to share our passion for the intrinsic qualities of ceramics. Materials for me are a means to an end and have come to represent that alchemical transformation when the skills of designing and creating fuse in all their complexity. I would like artists and their creations to be considered in their entirety, taking into account the close relationship between the creative thought, the design and the technique, here with the significant metamorphic ability of earth from which Chymia originated".

Gennaro Avallone

Floor: Chymia Mix 2 Black. Wall: Accents Mist matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.
Floor: Chymia Mix 2 Black. Wall: Accents Mist matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.

Discover the catalogue

The graphics of Chymia, in shades of black and white, is teamed with the coloured paints and the warm, natural textures of the materials from the Accents collection, designed by OEO Studio. Two projects characterised by a complementary style and creative vision are thus combined in a novel way to create a series of appealing looks that are a perfect expression of the Mutina universe.
Floor: Chymia Mix 1 White. Wall: Accents Moss matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.
Floor: Chymia Mix 1 White. Wall: Accents Moss matt paint and rectangular skirting light oak.
Floor: Chymia Flat Black, Ophelia Black. Wall: Chymia Ophelia White + Accents skirting L dark oak.
Floor: Chymia Flat Black, Ophelia Black. Wall: Chymia Ophelia White + Accents skirting L dark oak.
Wall: Chymia Mix 1 Black. Ceiling: Accents Coal matt paint.
Wall: Chymia Mix 1 Black. Ceiling: Accents Coal matt paint.
Floor: Chymia Tassello Black. Wall: Chymia Flat White, Ophelia White + Accents Slate matt paint. Ceiling: Accents Pearl matt paint.
Floor: Chymia Tassello Black. Wall: Chymia Flat White, Ophelia White + Accents Slate matt paint. Ceiling: Accents Pearl matt paint.

Sustainability and Care

Chymia has been created with respect for the environment and the regulations in force governing sustainability. The ceramic elements are produced using natural raw materials that can be disposed of easily, have an expected life cycle of 50 years and are able to withstand the action of chemicals, outdoor weather conditions and situations of severe environmental stress (fires, flooding, humidity, temperature variations and UV rays).
Floor: Chymia Flat Black, Bloom White, Teorema Black.
Floor: Chymia Flat Black, Bloom White, Teorema Black.
Floor: Chymia Teorema White. Wall: Accents Pebbles matt paint and skirting L dark oak.
Floor: Chymia Teorema White. Wall: Accents Pebbles matt paint and skirting L dark oak.

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