Among its exciting innovations for 2016, Artissima presents This Is Not a Prize, a new award created in collaboration with Mutina, renowned for its innovative products that cleverly combines craftsmanship and research with collaborations with up-to-the-minute designers. The prize has been awarded to Giorgio Andreotta Calò, presented by Sprovieri gallery, London, for his affinity with the prize and Mutina’s philosophies.
The prize also marks the beginning of a collaboration between the winner and Mutina that could take different forms; from supporting one of the artist’s projects, to realising a publication together, to commissioning new work or collaborating to create cutting-edge ceramics.
Another aspect that characterises This Is Not a Prize is the jury, which is composed of figures who share the aesthetic and creative approach of the brand: Massimo Orsini (CEO, Mutina), Patricia Urquiola (architect and designer), Gianluigi Ricuperati (creative director, Domus Academy) and Marco De Vincenzo (designer). “This is not a prize, but an entanglement.’Entangle’ is a beautiful verb in English. It means to link, catch, involve or envelop. If it’s true that, at times, the sound of a word suggests its meaning, this word would sound like ‘tango’.” Gianluigi Ricuperati