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Déchirer XL by Patricia Urquiola

Déchirer XL by Patricia Urquiola

Déchirer XL comes from the idea of creating a surface inspired by the opacity of cement, always preserving its identity as a ceramic material, revolutionizing the field of designer ceramic tiles. Mutina has decided to celebrate the great success of this collection by re-proposing it in a new XL format, which allows the bas-reliefs to develop on a continuous surface.

The Decor version is made in 100x300 cm format and has two colours: Gesso and Grafite. The slabs are made entirely with a mixture of unglazed porcelain stoneware (UGL) in the smallest thickness available (3 mm with fiber) and are perfectly suited to be used on walls, indoor and outdoor.


Déchirer XL respects the environment and it doesn’t contain V.O.C.
Déchirer XL Gesso
Déchirer XL Gesso
The production of Déchirer XL takes place by pressing pure matter inside a latest-generation ceramic system, so that it is possible to create structures on large slabs, keeping the details of the bas-reliefs perfectly defined.
Déchirer XL Gesso
Déchirer XL Gesso
Déchirer XL Gesso
Déchirer XL Gesso

Patricia Urquiola

Patricia Urquiola, Spanish architect and designer, but Italian at heart, joined the Mutina team in 2008. She designed numerous collections, including Déchirer, Bas-Relief, Azulej, Tierras, Déchirer XL, CelosiaEl LoboMaterChamotte e Jali.
“Déchirer is the beauty of taking a risk by not following any rules. It’s the beauty of breathing air and freedom of interpretation. Something that will hopefully stand beyond trends.”
Déchirer XL by Patricia Urquiola
Déchirer XL Gesso Déchirer XL Gesso

Sizes & Colors

Unglazed homogeneous porcelain stoneware
Nominal Sizes
100·300 cm (39”·118”)
3 mm reinforced with back glass fiber

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